Graph-based Algorithms for Natural Language Processing

The Textgraphs workshops address a broad spectrum of research areas and brings together researchers working on problems related to the use of graph-based algorithms for natural language processing as well as on the theory of graph-based methods. Different NLP applications use different graph-based approaches, and bringing together researchers from different fields fosters the exchange of ideas. It aims to serve as a platform to enable deeper understanding of aspects of language amenable to graph-based approaches, and identification of principles of using graph theory for language that go beyond specific applications.

Below is the list of workshops held in the TextGraphs series.

HLT-NAACL 2006 Workshop on Graph-based Algorithms for Natural Language Processing

HLT-NAACL 2007 Workshop on Graph-based Algorithms for Natural Language Processing

COLING 2008 Workshop on Graph-based Algorithms for Natural Language Processing

2009 Workshop on Graph-based Algorithms for Natural Language Processing

2010 Workshop on Graph-based Algorithms for Natural Language Processing

ACL 2011 Workshop on Graph-based Algorithms for Natural Language Processing

ACL 2012 Workshop on Graph-based Algorithms for Natural Language Processing

EMNLP 2013 Workshop on Graph-based Algorithms for Natural Language Processing

EMNLP 2014 Workshop on Graph-based Algorithms for Natural Language Processing

NAACL-HTL 2016 Workshop on Graph-based Algorithms for Natural Language Processing

ACL 2017 Workshop on Graph-based Algorithms for Natural Language Processing

NAACL-HLT 2018 Workshop on Graph-based Algorithms for Natural Language Processing

EMNLP 2019 Workshop on Graph-based Algorithms for Natural Language Processing

COLING 2020 Workshop on Graph-based Algorithms for Natural Language Processing

NAACL 2021 Workshop on Graph-based Algorithms for Natural Language Processing

COLING 2022 Workshop on Graph-based Algorithms for Natural Language Processing

ACL 2024 Workshop on Graph-based Algorithms for Natural Language Processing